Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants Tooth Implants provide a long-lasting solution to those who are missing or broken teeth. Although this treatment can result in a beautiful smile, there are a lot of ways …

Frequently Asked Questions about Dental Implants

Tooth Implants provide a long-lasting solution to those who are missing or broken teeth. Although this treatment can result in a beautiful smile, there are a lot of ways to get patients to the point of having a beautiful smile. It is important to make sure that patients know all they can about Tooth Implantation before going under treatment.

Here are some commonly asked questions about Tooth Implants.

What are Tooth Implants?

Implants are constructed of titanium alloy and are designed to be placed in the jawbone. They then act as roots. Tooth Implants efficiently help support bridges, crowns or dentures. Titanium is a light and strong material that is often used in implant. It bonds with bone and offers long-lasting support.

What are the benefits over more conventional types of replacement teeth?

Implants are durable and provide long-lasting support for a long time. Traditional prosthetics for teeth like bridges, dentures, crowns, and bridges can be used to replace missing teeth. Stable support allows patients to eat and speak with ease. Implants are not dependent on the support of surrounding teeth and patients experience improvements in their oral health.

Are all patients eligible to receive Tooth Implants?

Patients aren’t automatically eligible to receive Tooth Implants based solely on the lack of teeth. Before a patient can be considered to be eligible for implant the need to meet certain requirements.

Your general oral health. Tooth Implants can only be successful if the patient’s overall oral health is in good shape as well as their remaining teeth and gums. If there’s gum disease, dental decay or broken teeth, treatment will be necessary before the implantation procedure will begin.

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Maintenance of oral health. Maintaining dental health after treatment is another issue. Success rate will depend on the ability of the patient to keep their teeth and gums clear after treatment. Your dentist will give you an estimated cleaning schedule, and will provide you with advice on how to take care of your implants.

Quantity and quality of bone. Implant success ultimately relies on the quantity and quality of bone within the jaw. Implant placement can be complicated when there isn’t enough bone surrounding the implant. If patients do not have enough quantity and quality of bone, a range of methods can be employed to increase bone quantity to ensure a successful implant.

Is there an age limit on Tooth Implants?

The exact age for Tooth Implants isn’t a definite factor because each individual differs when it comes to the growth of bone. During the procedure, implants are placed in the jawbone. Hence, although age isn’t an issue however, bone growth is. Children and some adolescents are not the ideal candidates for the procedure as their bones are forming and growing. Additional bone growth in the area of the implant could affect the implant and, therefore, your dentist may recommend to not place implants until bone growth is complete.

Implants are they 100% guaranteed? Are there any guarantees on implants?

Although an implant is not certain, this replacement process has been extensively tested and patients have reported a 90% success rate over the past five to ten years. However implants have been proven to last over 30 years. Patients can expect long-term success by following the post-implant recommendations.

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Are there any issues?

Implants for teeth are a medical procedure that could be dangerous. But, these risks are very rare and are manageable. Patients are often faced with implant failure or damage to their adjacent teeth. However, this risk can be greatly decreased if you plan your pre-treatment carefully.

When implants fail immediately it is usually due to infections at the site of the implant or due to an unfavorable bone structure. If the implant heals for an extended period of time (mostly a few months) it is possible for the implant to be successfully reinserted. Implant failure may also occur after several years of success. Implant failure may occur if there is excessive stress on the implant, or when there aren’t enough implants. This is typically when patients are trying to cut costs. The risk is reduced by the correct treatment.

Perimplantitis, a different condition that may occur when you undergo Tooth Implantation, is also a possibility. It is similar to gum disease (periodontitis) and involves inflammation of the gums, as well as the gradual loss of bone at the implant location. This can be easily prevented by regular brushing, regular implant cleaning and regularly scheduled dental visits.